@RickHillenbrand do you have a good contact for this?
Yeah, I can confirm the same behavior on Windows 10 Chrome & Firefox. Regular or private windows. With and without clearing cache, even after a (true) cold restart (i.e. not a hibernate/sleep).
If one of the SUAC wants to shoot me a PM, I can share the contents of the debug window from a session, if that would help with diagnosis.
ETA: Stupid auto-mistake helping me type…
I’m working with IDG to see what has happened… I (we) need this and other related tools.
Thank you Rick! We are all looking forward to seeing this fixed. It was working for me as recently as last week.
Now I am only getting that first loading screen.
This function has been down all week. Is there anyone still working in IT in Texas, and how do we get to them to get this fixed. Particularly this time of year (most of BSA is rechartering) this function is very important. Does anyone have any ideas?
Rick (above) is in contact with them on this.
As a short-term work around, unfortunately impacting scarce staff resources, you can ask authorized staff or volunteers (there won’t be many) for a YPT report from the Training Manager. …doing some correcting here, I had lost the MBC in the district reports but had help reminding me they are in the Council YPT report.
Just for documentation, the bug i am getting is the Training Validation link just reloads the legacy dashboard, My Scouting
No (reportable) progress yet trying to get the Training Validation Tool fixed…
Thanks for keeping us in the loop, @RickHillenbrand.
Just throwing my hat in the ring, here, as I’m having the same issue.
I’m the Merit Badge Counselor Coordinator for my district, so it is very handy for me to be able to validate the training of our MBCs. It saves me a lot of time not having to request, and receive, certificates.
My council has a policy that the YPT certificate be submitted with the adult application. This ensures YPT is complete before the registrar tries to add the individual and that they have the correct BSA Member ID in the system.
That’s handy for the initial registration. Not so handy for renewals or changes in roles. Losing this tool would be a significant problem.
Does anyone have any information on whether someone is working to get this fixed? We are in the middle of the recharter process and I have hundreds of merit badge counselors to get renewed and re-YPT trained. This tool is something I need to use dozens of time per day.
This is absolutely essential for ensuring YPT compliance.
To me, this is the single most important piece of software in the entire BSA, and the fact that we can’t validate the YP status of our volunteers is a tragic issue, considering the bad situation the BSA is in. Everything we hear about how important YP is, and yet we cannot confirm that our volunteers are correctly trained. Such a pity.
A workaround for Scoutbook users with a unit and for YPT only = the Feature Assistant Extension report Show Adult YPT Status shows the current date of YPT as updated every night from My.Scouting to Scoutbook. It only shows the completion date, but it does show every adult in the unit. The adult training sync requires a BSA ID#. Because you can add adults to your unit before they are officially on your unit roster at My.Scouting, you can check YPT for adults not registered.
You can look at YPT compliance using the Training Manager reports. There are some new enhancements coming soon that will add ‘Plain Language’ names to the course numbers which may be helpful.
However, as I wrote above, the Training Validation tool is acknowledged by national to be broken, and it is in the queue to be fixed. I think we all know that the BSA is operating with very limited resources, so please be kind and patient while you are waiting for the tool to be fixed.
Still having no luck to get this important tool to work. I see training validation and click on it and goes to blank screen for a long time then goes back to initial screen. Never see the area to put in Scouters ID to see training. This is a real handicap. Has anyone found out why it is not working and why no one is working to fix?
Need this for MBCs because they are not in unit I cannot use any unit-based work arounds.
Need this for those new to the unit that I want to personally be sure are YPT.
I guess those YPT checks just are not going to happen now? I am confused and I know I am not the only one.