Camping logs

Can anyone advise on the best way to run a Report that gives me a total of camping nights/days, for each scout, since they joined, to present?

I used to be able to see this easily in SB and now I have great difficulty checking scout eligibility for Awards (esp. National Outdoor). It seems that I have to jump over to IA, then run report(s). The activity reports don’t appear to summarize, so I end up counting. I don’t mind counting, but…is there a reason that this simple calculation can’t appear in SB anymore?

I also haven’t found a way to get this report, in summary format- does it exist?
Directions would be helpful. Thanks!

Sure thing.

  1. Go to Internet Advancement
  2. Click on “Roster” in the left-hand menu
  3. Click on the pull-down next to “Run Report” and select “Activities Summary Report”
  4. Enter the date range you’re looking for. You can also select “All Dates” which will give you everything entered in the logs for current and past Scouts.

That will give you the totals by Scout (and adult Troop member), and a summary at the bottom of the report for the entire Troop.

You can also use the Activity Log Report from Scoutbook or Internet Advancement.

It has options where you can choose to show “All Dates” of camping or “Date Joined Scouts BSA” (this second option will exclude Cub Scout camping).

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I’m getting Bad Gateway 502 errors when I run these.

@MaryPeterson - I just tried this morning and had no issues. Although there may still be lingering carrier issues due to mid west weather conditions.

This is a good report, but I believe it only includes activity done within the current troop. So, if you have a scout that transferred from another troop it won’t include the prior camping.

It should include everything. I still see activities that were entered for scouts in our troop when they were Cubs if I set the date range wide enough. It may be a function of whether or not the scouts had things logged in Scoutbook, and whether or not they maintained the same Scoutbook account when they changed units (as opposed to getting a new one to go with a new BSA ID).

That could be the difference. Just a caution anyone using this report may want to double check the data for scouts who transferred from another troop.

I will note, however, that the heading in the report indicates " . . . Activities Hosted by this Unit Only."

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Hunh. I’ve never noticed that.

I can confirm, at least for my son, that it’s showing camping nights back into when he was a Cub Scout. I compared the total number of nights shown in the report to the number of nights in his individual log and they match (as long as I include nights from when he was a cub).

I had never looked at this report before today, but I came across it when trying to confirm total camping nights for scouts in our troop. One of the scouts totals did not look right, and when I compared it to his individual record I realized it was not including the nights from his prior troop.

Thank you all. I was trying to run this from the wrong page. Directions here were a huge help.

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