Activity log not showing all activities

I have Scouts heading off to summer camp that need to take a copy of their Camping activity reports to confirm nights camped for the Camping merit badge. The logs are not listing all of their previously entered activities. For example, for one Scout, the Camping Log lists a total of 4 campouts with 5 nights camped. The summary, however, shows a total of 7 campouts with 14 nights camped. His Hiking Log shows 47.37 miles hiked but the summary shows 62.37 miles. The summaries show the correct numbers, but the Logs do not. It’s not because of the Log start date. I entered a start date of April 14, 2014 (2 years before he joined the troop) just to make sure the start date wasn’t an issue. It doesn’t matter what start date I enter. The Log is still missing information. Why is there a discrepancy? What can be done to fix this?

Try checking their Edit Profile page and see if their “Date Joined Scouts BSA” is correct.

The other thing you might check is whether or not the “missing” entries are approved. I thought that the summary was supposed to only reflect the “approved” entries, but I could easily be wrong about that.

Everything entered has been approved.

This could be the problem. Is this a manual entry area? I thought the date was automatically done when the transfer application from Cubs to the troop was entered.

It does need to be entered manually

It there a way to run a Join Date report so I can see who is missing dates?

Yes, use roster builder. Under scout options is “show date joined”.

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Another option is to run the OA Eligibility Report.

Thank you both very much!

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