Can not send message

Can someone who is having this issue that can get screen shots or a video, respond to this post saying you can help. Since there will be names in anything produced, I’ll send a private message so you can provide the screen shot or video in private. The developers would like to see what is happening.

One idea I just had, does the problem occur only with a large number of recipients or does it happen with just a few too? If it only happens with a large number, with how many recipients are you seeing this occur?


Thanks, I passed this on to the developers.

BSA IT was able to duplicate the problem on a single Scoutbook server. That server has been removed from the pool while they investigate the root cause.

If anyone sees the error again, please report the server you were logged on to. It can be found below the Scoutbook logo at the bottom of each page. It is in a low contrasting color so that it is not easy to see. I have circled it in this screen shot.

However, if you highlight the area that @edavignon circled, the text is much easier to read, and can generally be copied into a message for posting.

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The Scoutmaster of our Troop in Auburn, AL couldn’t send emails Sunday or Monday. I told him to try an incognito window in Chrome, still wouldn’t send message. He then tried Microsoft Edge, and was able to get a message to send. He did not get the server number.

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