CIS MB not displayed in "Scoutbook/Internet Advancement."

Short-ish answer:
Scoutbook and IA2 both look at the same underlying advancement database, but using different user interfaces.

The Scoutbook interface is reached from It’s a different interface, so it has slightly different options. When the unit leader logs in, they would go to:

My Dashboard → Administration → My Units → Troop ### → Troop Roster → Scout’s Name → Scout’s Advancement

Scroll down to the merit badges section. If CiS is already listed, click on the name. If not, go to Start a New Merit Badge near the bottom, and start CiS.

Once in the CiS MB, the leader can click on the checkbox for Completed and set a date, and on Leader Approved.

Long-ish Answer:
There are a lot of help and training pages here:

In particular, I’d recommend these for unit scouters getting started with Scoutbook:

and this one for parents getting started with Scoutbook:

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