Bug Fixes
- Calendar name and location field no longer accepting raw html
- Star, Life and Eagle Requirements no longer flow off the page when the screen/window size is too small
- Implemented new Dashboard Report Menu - Menu is now centered on mobile devices
- Change the Last Invited message on imported parents to read parent was imported by the system
- my.Scouting Dashboard (Training) now going to individual Training
- Council Admin search result no longer includes deleted accounts
- Auto-Complete Star, Life, Eagle Req 3 (MBs) when all MBs completed
- Fixed Whoops error when Scouts were accessing their own Star / Life / Eagle advancement pages.
- Special characters now show in Calendar events
- Attendance screen now shows up one hour before the event to enable units to take attendance as people show up.
New Features
- When adding a leader or parent be able to search for them by member ID