Duplicate scoutbook account - merge request

@CharlesPeterson1 that is fixed

I’ve been having issues with my Scoutbook account for some time now. After reaching out to the Scoutbook administrators I wound up with two separate accounts: “133591240 - Ray Garcia Garcia” and “13103465 - Ray Garcia”. Could you please merge these two accounts for me? And also fix the name? It should simply be Ray Garcia. Looking at the accounts it appears that 133591240 is administratively correct and linked to my Scout. The only issue that I see is that my last round of YPT training never made it to this profile. Any help that you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Ray Garcia

@JenniferGarcia5 Is the legal first name Reynaldo?


Yes, my legal first name is Reynaldo.

Thank you,


@JenniferGarcia5 I have merged your Scoutbook accounts.

Thank you Jennifer!

I really appreciate it!


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Please merge account 134269930 and 14243575. One is marked as “Old” in the system for some reason.

Also, 13053277 and 135884087.
Also, 140425576 and 140529666.
Also, 14755357 and 133253984.

There is also a profile for (name removed) with an active account/email address, but it does not have a BSA ID. When I click to edit profile, it says “Error //personprofile” 
 That is the same person as the one with ID 128292787 though which doesn’t appear to be used and has email address of changeyouremail@scoutbook.com.

Thanks for all of these fixes
 trying to get out unit records cleaned up! Can’t believe how many issues there are here.

@RyanPankoe I will take a look

@RyanPankoe - 14755357 and 133253984 - are these the same person? different names and genders

@RyanPankoe all are fixed other than the one I have questions on - I recommend that They contact your local council and ask them to use the Registrar Tools to look up the children. When they look up the children, they want to check children’s “User Relationship” and make sure that children are connected to parent with Only the correct BSA member ID number on their account

Pretty sure they’re the same. The father is Robert or in scoutbook showing as “Bob” under 13101990. All 3 are associated to the scout, but should just be the two parents.

@RyanPankoe this is Roberta and Alberta

Yeah, mother is Roberta and no idea who Alberta is. I think the pack before they came up had entered name wrong and it’s traveled with them ever since.

It needs significant clarification - or needs to just be ignored - we cannot merge like this cause we could be messing up the wrong account

OK. I will verify with the council Registrar to have her check that one. thank you.

Hello, my daughter mistakenly has two accounts. She has two BSA IDs and also has two SB IDs that need merging. In the new account, the DOB is wrong. Can you do anything about it?
Old BSA ID: 14268527
New BSA ID:140829510

Old SB ID:12465218
New SB ID:13641927

@LaniFu I have merged the Scout’s Scoutbook accounts.

Please contact your local council service center if her DOB is wrong. They can correct it.

I have 2 Scoutbook accounts 140294834 & 140298099. They are both linked as a parent to my Scout. I want to keep 140294834 because that is the one I used to take my YPT training. Can they be merged or one deleted?


@MichaelPevehouse Please contact your local council and ask them to use the Registrar Tools to look up your child (or children). In the “Relationships” tab / section, you should be listed as parent only under your primary BSA member ID number, the one ending in -834. They should remove you if listed as paret under any other BSA member ID numbers. Otherwise, your BSA member ID numbers will likely get switched around when your child Recharters / renews.

Hi Jennifer,
Can you please merge duplicate BSA member ID 137275727 into the correct ID 136289240 for us please? Thank you.