Duplicate scoutbook account - merge request

@MarkZiety This user’s Scoutbook accounts have been merged.

His primary BSA member ID number with his Tiger Den Leader registration is:


Please ask him to contact the local council and ask them to use their Registrar Tools to look up his child (or children). In the “Relationships” tab / section, he should be listed as parent only under his primary BSA member ID number. He should be removed if listed as parent under any other BSA member numbers. Otherwise, his BSA numbers will likely get switched around again when one of his children Recharters / renews next.

I also appear to have multiple accts in Scoutbook. At least scoutbook is telling me there are multiple accts with the same email.

My SB id is: 10589390.

I’m assuming the second acct is newer as my son just crossed over.


John Ten Cate

@JohnTen_Cate I have merged your Scoutbook accounts.

You have 2 BSA member ID numbers. The one ending in -112 has your registration as ACM. The other one is from when you registered as a Tiger Adult Partner (your last name is spelled slightly different on that one where there is no space).

Please contact your local council and ask them to use their Registrar Tools to look up your child (or children). In the “Relationships” tab / section, you should be listed as parent only under your primary BSA member ID number, the one ending in -112. They should remove you if listed as parent under any other BSA numbers. Otherwise, it is likely that you will get another Scoutbook account (userID) when your child Recharters / renews.

Your are currently opted out of e-mails from Scoutbook. You can opt back in by logging in to Scoutbook and going to:

My Account → Email

I have a Venturing youth who was trying to access their Scoutbook, but it appears to have created a new blank scoutbook with no connections? Can these be merged?

BSA ID 136173020
Correct SB #9870148
Incorrect SB #13678925

Edit - it looks like it did create a 2nd BSA ID - 140887969. The 2nd one should be removed.


I need a BSA account merge for a parent. 140425922 (this is the number connected to the scout) and 140637467 (has completed YPT on this account) are the same person. Is it possible to merge and keep her connections and trainings from each?

I have a scout that his Scoutbook account was created before he had registered. Now that he is registered there is a second Scoutbook account for him. Could I please get these merged into one account.

SB User ID: 13631085
original account with achievements added

SB User ID: 13680265
BSA Member ID: 140889114

@RobertMckeever let me look

@RobertMckeever that is fixed - DOB needs to be checked as there was a slight difference

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@MelisaLeblanc I cleaned it up some - really council needs to be involved as there are 3 numbers and wide variations in DOB

@SeanWonderlich this is an example of why it is best to wait or use online apps only - the unit did not enter the DOB and seemed to just make one up so it did not match up - it is fixed now

I have the correct DOB. Our council is extremely unhelpful on fixing duplicate accounts. The only help I’ve ever gotten is here.

Thank you. The youth’s IA profile contains the correct birthdate. Confirm we now only see one instance showing on the Crew roster page.

Good Day, I have a parent profile with two registrations;

Member ID

If you have roles in two different councils, do they have to be under separate member ID’s or can they be merged? We live on the dividing line of two councils, with one scout in one council and one scout in the other council. We both have active registered positions in both councils and would like to merge ID’s if it is possible, but we haven’t been able to get any clarity on whether the dual roles across councils is an issue for merging ID’s.

@HeatherKnueven - member ID can not be merged especially from multiple councils.

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@Chris_H This parent has 2 e-mail addresses.

Does he want to use the one that starts with the letter “s”?

Please merge
(Name removed) 14679460 (keep this one)

@JillBarr this user has not logged in for over 6 months - do they want the username or the email as username?

Keep the username (not email) as the login. The email on the Den Leader account is good, so he can recover his password if he’s forgotten.

@JillBarr ok that is fixed

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