Emails not going out

As FYI this issue is likely impacting many other domains not listed. We have parents with EDU or Work Employer(com) not getting emails. Their email providers likely rely on some third party for blocking emails similar to the Apple/Microsoft/Comcast utilize.

I’ve found (by digging through email headers) that a lot of the work email cases we have in our unit are a domain alias of the company name on the user-facing front end, but actually handled via We don’t have any .edu domains, so I’m not as clear on that one. I suspect it’s something similar, however, based on other posts.

For sure most small organizations contract that out to another provider. There is no way to know all the domains to be listed. Even if SB knew it would be a lengthy list. Just was stating people can’t assume everyone else is OK if its not listed. (trying to get my unit to understand this is enough of a challenge)

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Yeah, it’s a tough item to manage. I tried sending out two emails. The first went from Scoutbook to all of the scouters and parents with BCC off. The second was a follow-up to the same group from my personal email asking them to respond if they hadn’t received the first email. Clunky, but I couldn’t come up with a significantly more effective strategy on short notice. :^)

I still have responses trickling in, but it at least allowed us to identify some (most?) of the adults in our unit who aren’t receiving emails. Fortunately, a lot of our adults are on gmail, so they don’t seem to be affected.

Scoutbook was removed from one of the blacklists earlier today, but we are not yet confident it will remain off. Asking people to confirm they received an e-mail sent today is not a reliable indication that their address is unaffected.

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Thanks for the heads-up. I did this several days ago, and was still seeing the same domains reporting issues (plus the one I passed along to you in one of the threads).

If asking outside of email(in person or direct text), how else would you determine if various unit members received an email or not that was sent via a calendar reminder?

We have done this on a smaller scale but just evaluating the domains outside of the know working domains for our small unit(so emails not gmail or yahoo).

Any idea on how many blacklists are involved?

Edit : Apologize if your response was meant for someone else.

That said I do recall one of the affected parties did get one direct email message from the SM sent through Scoutbook. Uncertain if that was during one of the windows when restrictions were momentarily relaxed or some workaround to the blacklist.

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