Still an issue - No email from our troop has gone out for at least 2 days
@ChristopherFowler - the issue is external to scoutbook
Kind-of. If Scoutbook is concerned about deliverability and their IPs have been flagged for spamming, then they need to work to get their IP off the black-lists.
I don’t know that this is the actual issue, but I do know that emails are not being received by multiple service providers. It can be ignored by Scoutbook, but it means that people will stop using it (I’m already having to export our roster and deliver email through my personal email for our upcoming meeting announcements)
This is actually a user-side issue, as indicated in the post above. If users are reporting the messages as spam, instead of reaching out to their units to make changes (e.g. people who feel like the unit is sending too many messages or who have left the unit), there’s not much that the Scoutbook folks can do, other than reacting to situations like this when they occur. Which is what they’ve said they’re doing in multiple threads including this one.
…but they aren’t ignoring the issue: they’re working the problem. Unfortunately, it’s largely a pebkac issue, so it’s difficult to solve entirely on the development/operations side.
I understand it’s frustrating. We had a court of honor last night, and had the same email issues everyone else has for our reminders going out to some, but not all, recipient domains. It’s also not entirely surprising.
Units are still in the aftermath of recharter, where folks who did not recharter are potentially still getting emails for events to which they were invited back when they were active in the unit. Similarly. I suspect many units folded due to loss of chartering organizations, so no one is updating those event reminders. Put those things together, and it’s reasonably easy to end up with large numbers of people reporting as spam event reminder messages that those of us who are still active are having vapors about not getting.
I have noticed that parents including myself with apple addresses are not receiving any of the emails, including all the ones I create. This is a big problem. I started happening about 2 weeks ago - ish. most certainly 1 week ago. Prior to that - no issues. I am the scoutmaster of our troop and send out regular emails. No other big changes on our end.
We are still having this problem - CM and spouse use hotmail & yahoo - they and any others are not getting the emails for events
I tested it again and get the emails just fine but I use aol and gmail
How do we get an update?
Same issue here. Sounds like this has happened before - do we know if the emails will eventually get delivered? Or does it depend on the recipient server?
I am having the same issues. I have been able to send emails through Scoutbook, but do not receive copies of the emails I send. I do get some responses back to my messages from parents - but not all of the parents receive them. I have a different email domain than my husband and neither account is receiving emails/reminders.
I contacted my tech dept about this issue today 2/1 @ 8:30AM CST. We tried setting the firewall to accept emails/reminders. I attempted to send an email after this to both my husband and myself. Neither email came through.
Our family has both leadership roles in a Pack and Troop. We need to have this issue resolved as I don’t think it is on our individual servers end.
How will we get an update when this issue is resolved?
Pretty sure your email providers spam filter essentially deletes them.
Generally, bug fixes and feature updates are posted in the change logs. I subscribe to them to stay on top of what’s been updated.
There’s a post here that describes how to subscribe: Change a profile picture - #26 by CharleyHamilton
I noticed this issue for my Troop as well from a Scoutbook email I sent last night. So far I have found that families with @comcast and @hotmail email addresses didn’t get the email. Strangely I tried forwarding the email that I got from Scoutbook to one of the @hotmail parents and they didn’t get the email either (I am sending from Gmail). If I copied the text of the Scoutbook email to a new email and sent it to them directly, they were able get it.
@SamAlexander I had the same issue with gmail. I found that updating my account with “+1” fixed everything. example email is
Think I updated my email in my.scouting “my profile” and also in scoutbook, but one may have updated the other.
Hope that helps,
@RichardFriesner - gmail will work until some parent flags the scoutbook enail as spam
BSA IT is working with the various spam detection vendors and internet service providers to resolve the issues. Unfortunately this is not something BSA IT can just fix on their own, they are at the mercy of other companies.
It is getting the attention of the top folks in BSA IT. They want it fixed as much as you all do.
Is there an update as of 02/06/23 ?
Any updates will be posted in the banner message. I do not expect to hear anything until the problem is solved.
Thanks, I see it now at the top of this thread.
I’ve been monitoring this thread and ScoutBook since the issue started.
Has there been an update for this problem? The banner that was on ScoutBook is no longer there but I sent a test email today, 2/12/23, and it still didn’t go through - hotmail domain.
@AprilRivas - no updates as yet
The banner is still at the top of the forums. This banner post will be updated as we get additional information.