Equipment Checkin/Checkout

My son just made Qartermaster and came up to me and said “It would be great if we had a library like system to check out and check in equipment!” So I thought about asking here. We are a large troop and have quite a bit of equipment. Any interest in making something like this. Something simple that allows for defining an “Asset” and then check out and check in of the “Asset” with names and comments. Maybe a drop down for “Condition”.

Happy to help with requirements.

I see this topic was discussed on this forum about 5 years ago. Just surfacing it up again.

@AhmedZaidi while a good idea - it is too unit specific to make universal - a local system is better and more reasonable

Are we unique in the fact that we have a bunch of troop equipment?

Any ideas on some free platforms?

@AhmedZaidi Asset Tiger is a free (up to certain number) online tool that our IT department had used. Might be worth looking into and seeing if it might help. I have no financial interest in this company.

I would think your unit is obviously not unique in that regard. :⁠^⁠)

However, the exact details of how things get tracked (e.g. who should have access to edit the check-in/check-out logs, desired reporting, notifications for state change,…) , the tendency to want more features once some basic ones are in place (as has been seen with the payment logs module in Scoutbook), and the need for ongoing support once it’s in place make it likely to expand to exceed the development resources available.

Thank you Zachary.


Completely Understand Charley. Just wanted to put this on the radar of the powers that be at SB just in case there is appetite to add more modules.


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