Please help
SB User ID:118904
Please help
SB User ID:118904
@Shoreranger it was applied to your scout - it is fixed now
Same issue for me. SB User ID: 2377461
I am having the same issue. When I login to scoutbook I receive a warning that another user is using the same email account. All of my info seems correct and I can’t find any issues with my accout. How can I fix the issue?
@RyanPankoe this is fixed
@AubreyCurley that is fixed
Thanks for all your help!
Same issue SB ID 1335165
@StephanieBarritt that is fixed
same issue: SB User ID:2611964
I am getting the same message.
SB User ID: 10482581
@JAMESYOUNG8 yours is fixed
@ToddKinney it is fixed
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