How do I add Hornaday Award to Internet Advancement?

Hello Everyone,
A Scout in my troop had earned the Hornaday Award last year but it was not entered into IA by the Advancement Chair. I’d like to add it to his IA advancement record now but don’t see it in the Award drop-down menu. How can it be added?

Bert Velasco
Troop 662 Committee Chair

You can record previous Hornaday Awards via scoutbook ( Go to the Scout’s Awards page. The Hornaday awards are near the bottom of the page.

Is there a way to update directly into Internet Advancement Scout advancement entries?

Not that I could find. Scoutbook and Internet Advancement share the Scoutbook database so entering it via Scoutbook and marking it leader approved is equivalent.

If I remember correctly, all of the Hornaday awards needed to be approved at the council level or higher (depending on the award).

You should be able to mark it as Completed in Scoutbook, but your local council would need to add it via ScoutNet for it to be marked as Approved.

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A Hornaday awards reminder

BSA Distinguished Conservation Service Award Program

BSA Distinguished Conservation Service Award Program | Boy Scouts of America (

FAQ (undated, October 2020?)

I am currently working on a Bronze or Silver William T. Hornaday Medal, should I stop and transfer to the new program?

If a youth is currently working on the William T. Hornaday Bronze or Silver Awards, the following awards will be available until June 30, 2021. After June 30, 2021, there will no longer be Bronze or Silver awards. Youth must have started either their 3rd or 4th project by October 13, 2020 to be eligible to earn these interim awards.

  • BSA Distinguished Conservation Service Award with Bronze Honor BSA
  • Distinguished Conservation Service Award with Silver Honors

Youth must complete the requirements by no later than June 30, 2021. These applications will be processed by the National Conservation Committee.