COVID-19 is the single greatest barrier to serving youth through Scouting that unit leaders face today. Our national service center staff has done good work developing information about how to cope with COVID. All Scouting is local and our professionals and volunteers in our councils have been equally creative in developing new program delivery methods that enable Scouting to continue. All of that information is available on the internet, but it is scattered across a variety of websites and pages.
Commissioners now have a single webpage that provides direct links to information on how to keep on Scouting while COVID-19 continues to limit normal activities. [Link to page provided: ] The page will continue to be updated as additional information becomes available.
A link to this new resource is prominently displayed at the top left of the commissioner website landing page. It is the latest step in our continuing efforts to make the site a commissioner’s single best source of information about serving units. If you have suggestions for other improvements, please let us know. Send your recommendations to