COVID Modification Changes for Cub Scouts

Effective immediately, see below and in the COVID FAQ at

Q: May parents sign off on Webelos and Arrow of Light requirements?
Yes. During this pandemic period, parents and other adults in the Cub Scout’s family may sign off on Webelos and Arrow of Light requirements. We strongly encourage that parents use the Scouting App or Scoutbook to record completion of their child’s requirements. We will continue to monitor the situation and communicate when this temporary measure expires and there is a return to the standard rules for Cub Scout advancement.

Q: If my den is behind in advancement due to COVID-19, can my Cub Scout continue to work on advancement through the summer?
No. The extension to work on a Cub Scout rank after completing the grade level for that rank has been revoked. We encourage den leaders to use Scoutbook’s Den Leader Experience to help schedule and deliver the program. Cub Scout Advancement continues to be “Do Your Best.”

Q: Can the Arrow of Light (fifth-grade dens) requirements fulfill the requirement to visit a troop or attend a troop outing to function as a patrol?
Yes. Two things to keep in mind, the standard of completion for Cub Scout advancement is “Do Your Best,” so given the circumstances, we want to look at the purpose behind the requirements. Remember that doing nothing is never doing your best.

Dens can visit a virtual troop meeting to see the patrol method and youth leadership in action. Since the den cannot attend a troop campout or outing, the idea is for the den to function as a patrol while attending the virtual troop meeting. During this time, a virtual den meeting where the den functions as a patrol can be done. Elect a patrol leader, pick a patrol name, play a virtual game together as a patrol. Plenty of opportunities to Do Your Best to meet the intention of the requirement. Remember to maintain all youth protection standards online.

What is the guidance for completing the Outdoor Activity Award and Summertime Pack Award?

These awards are designed to recognize participation in the outdoors and summer activities. These opportunities are again available for Cub Scouts to participate in following Center for Disease Control guidelines, National Camp Accreditation Standards, and the Guide to Safe Scouting. If Cub Scout Day Camp or Cub Scout Resident Camp cannot be held in-person due any local or Center for Disease Control guidelines, virtual Cub Scout Day Camps and Cub Scout Resident Camps may be used to meet the requirement.