MB Counselor List search doesn't include parents in Troop with Listing Preference set to Unit List

I have found that in the MB Counselor List search, results doesn’t include parents in Troop with Listing Preference set to Unit List. I would expect this behavior for parents with Listing Preference set to None, but set to Unit List, I would think they should show. With this behavior, it is quite difficult to locate adults in the troop that can help with merit badges.

This is a known issue. At this time we do not know when it will be fixed. The workaround is to set visibility to District, Council or if the MBC list was upload by the council to Worldwide.

It is my wish that all MBCs would make themselves available to any Scout asked them for assistance and not restrict themselves to working with a single unit.

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Glad to know it is a known issue. Agreed on the scope for MBC’s. In our troop, the decision to select Unit List is more a function of how much time these counselors have to devote. We have a very large troop so they prefer to prioritize boys in our troop with the limited time they have. They do seem willing to open it up when they know they have sufficient time to accommodate the troop.

While BSA encourages all MBCs to available to Scouts in other units the real world gets in the way. When the district includes many countries, as it does for some councils serving Scouts outside of the continental US, the MBC needs to be able to limit the distance they have to travel within a country which might be defined as a sub-district or the units that they are available to serve.

There are also MBCs in positions at the district and council level that need to limit their MBC service to specific events (e.g. Radio and Electronics MBCs supporting JOTA/JOTI events; or MBCs on camp staffs).

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