New activity logs bugs

Tried that again today after the update. Still pretty borked up. The Activity Log Report is grayed out for adult leaders. The “Activity Summary Report” only shows one campout (with 25 nights camped in the last year), one service activity (that accrued 30 hours of service) and one hike (of 24 miles). The actual activities that were done don’t show up, so you can’t really confirm if the totals are correct…

The Activity Summary Report also seems to have the same error for Scouts as for adults – the number of individual activities isn’t captured, though the hours/miles/nights seem to be correct.

I have same problem I am cub master and asst SM. In my.scouting I have no position listed which prior to re charter I could and had access to all

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You will need to contact your Council registrar to find out why you are no longer listed as Cubmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster.

I did and it shows I am listed in national data base correctly but not in my.scouting they had to open a help desk ticket to find out why


It sounds to me as if you have more than 1 BSA Member ID. I would check with your registrar to see if you are registered under the number attached to your my.scouting account. If you have more than one BSA Member ID, you can use the Manage Member ID function in to associate all of them with your account and make the one you are registered with primary.

Not a bug, exactly because Scoutbook did it as well. As den leader, I had added Webelos Resident camp to my youth’s camping log. When they crossed over to troop, those nights still appear in the total count. Can the database be fixed to look at Scouts BSA join date and only count activities after that date?


@ElizabethHarman - there are awards that count all of the camping experience from Cub upward. For OA, the date joined is used to isolate scouts BSA nights. The National Outdoor Achievement Award is one that comes to mind.

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So i try to access my activity log and get the following error


Unable to find the person for the given GUID

Any idea how to access it.


I am a pack and den leader and have been completely locked out, as have my other leaders from this new function. Why fix it if it’s not broken???

And only 1.5 years after implementation, I’m reading that Scoutbook is already too old with no developers to update it??? Why did we start it?

I couldn’t add it for me OR any of my den kiddos. It seems like no one is authorized to even open it!!

I put a service log in my scouts log them when this change happened- I can see what it is (service hours reporting log) I put the log into the troop service hours log which also logged it into the scouts (double log) now I can’t delete the individual logs

I also have a hiking log that one of my scouts put in and needs approval but it will not let me approve it.

@WilliamSutter - on your first issue. If you created an activity at the unit level then added scouts and adults it is completely logical that when you look at the scout it is going to show up in their log if you marked them as a participant. That us what you want to have happen. If you go to a scout that was not marked on the top level they should not have the activity on their log page.
On the log that needs approval, you go to the scout record then the hike log, click on the specific hike and there is no approve button or the button does nothing?

I looked at the hours- it is double counted and I can’t delete either one.

@WilliamSutter - could you post some screen shots of what you are discussing ?
svc2 svc1

This is what I show from a troop level entry down to the scout. The service hours were 7, each participant worked 7 hours each and as such each gets 7 hours.

@edavignon -

Wow. I didn’t even know about that. I missed my chance to use it!


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