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We’re trying to locate a Nova counselor for some of our Cubs but I can’t find the counselor search (it was in Scoutbook at least as recently as last Scout year). Did the Nova counselor search go away? Am I just not looking in the right place?
I haven’t been able to find anything in the change logs, knowledge base, or the discussion forums.
“IMPORTANT: Before beginning work on STEM Nova or Supernova Awards check with your local council to confirm if the program is available in your area. The STEM Nova and Supernova Awards are optional awards that are administered by local councils. Local councils have the option to make these awards available. All activities and programming used in conjunction with the STEM Nova Awards program must be followed and implemented as designed by the BSA. Local Councils may not add or subtract activities or requirements from this BSA-designed program.”
The search was there for packs as of at least May. I am registered in Nova and Supernova positions, and was appearing in pack leaders’ searches as of then. The status of the awards is still the same now as it was then (only available if the local council supports it). In my profile on legacy Scoutbook, I still have options for controlling how widely publicized by status is. The explanatory note there says “This list is only viewable by Scoutmasters and other unit leaders. Scouts, parents and other adults do not have access to the lists.” I know that earlier this year pack den leaders could access the list, but now I cannot find it anymore.
The best I can guess is that sometime between May and now access to the list was removed for pack leaders. This presents a problem for pack leaders seeking Nova/Supernova scouters in those councils that still support the awards.
The only true answer to this is with your council.
Our Council still supports Nova awards. I’m just not looking to have to call them everytime I have a Scout who is looking for a counselor. If the search within SB is available for troops but not packs, then this is a bug the devs need to look into.
(This may be related to the Nova awards not being visible for many Scouts. One of the two Scouts in our pack working on Nova right now has all the awards visible for recording, the other doesn’t. Based on a quick sample of our pack awards are not available to enter for AOLs, but available for everyone else.)
This is because the Cub Scout NOVA awards were developed based on the prior Cub Scout program, in which Webelos was an 18-24 month program (theoretically earning both the Webelos rank and Arrow of Light). When Arrow of Light became a separate den level (as opposed to being what 5th grade Webelos pursued), there was not an existing award to “carry over” for that rank level. To create one would be to officially nationally support the NOVA awards, which ceased in 2023 (I think?).
If it’s only the AoL den level that’s missing, that’s the way it’s likely to stay.
ETA: I can’t speak to why the search still works for troops but not packs. It honestly seems more odd to me that it works for troops, since the program is no longer nationally supported.
@RyanTashma - in looking at the NOVA requirements they have not been updated to include the AOL den. They end at Webelos. Additionally there have been changes to the cub program which also may not be reflected in the NOVA requirements.
I’m not sure if it is a bug. When the STEM NOVA program has handed to councils to manage, Class B was designed as the place to purchase patches. The Cub and Venturing patches are now discontinued with only the Scouts BSA one available. Reaching out to your council can confirm. Scout Patches - Nova Patches - ClassB
I would suggest you recruit someone from your Pack to be a Nova Counselor. The only requirement is that the person be interested in STEM and willing to look up information on subjects they need help with. The Nova Counselor position is a Council position and is signed off by the DE, not the Unit. It’s very similar to a merit badge counselor position. Your District and/or Council should have someone who can work with you to get the position filled.
In my Council we have a goal of having a Nova Counselor in every Unit.
It’s the Supernova Mentor who needs a stem education and experience. We do not expect every Unit to have someone qualified for that position.
Q: What is happening to STEM Nova and Supernova? A: In June 2022 the STEM Nova and Supernova awards were retired as national awards. Local councils had the option to continue them as local council awards. These awards are no longer supported nationally. New elective Adventures have been created in each badge of rank to ensure that there is an elective Adventures for science, technology, engineering, and math.
There’s been no change since 2022. If the program were being discontinued entirely, the FAQ would say so. The Nova and Supernova program/awards continue as they have for two years; not administrated nationally, but an option for councils to continue. My own council continues to support the Nova and Supernova program, even after the program changes.
The Nova Counselor Search was removed from pack menus at the request of the head of the Cub Scout Program Office. You will need to work with your Council to get a list of local Nova Counselors in your area if the Nova program is still supported in your Council.