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I am requesting an update to the Merit Badge Counselor lists available on Scoutbook. At present, within the Merit Badge list, only Merit Badges are available on the drop down list which locates Merit Badge Counselors in the area.
Specifically, I am asking that the drop down list be expanded to include NOVA awards and SuperNova awards and enable searching for NOVA/SuperNova mentors (if they are registered within the council area).
Supernova Awards Mentor Information appears to require data elements for each award supported and the type of unit served. I do not know if this has been added to the BSA membership database. Nova Award counselors and mentors can have terms of service (annual renewal dates) that are different than merit badge counselors. At council/district level they need to be managed separately.
NOTE: Nova Awards program and STEM Scouts program (units) are not the same. But the STEM Scouts program may need to be planned for. At this time they appear to be excluded from Scoutbook. What happens to them may be dependent on BSA and Learning for Life reorganization.