When I (CM) log in to SB plus it shows I have 3 “awards” that need to be approved, but when I click the “awards” tab, nothing shows up. How do I clear this out?
All the pending and Approval in SB+ is not functional - just ignore for now until you see announcement in Change Log - use Legacy SB for Approval for now as a group @AlexisMarkowski
Thanks. Follow-up question. In legacy SB my “needs awarding” shows several adventures for kids who have moved and transferred to other units. It shows these items were earned/approved recently (i.e. definitely not with us). Can I just “award” them to clear them out, or will that mess things up for their current unit? I don’t know why they are still showing up for us, these scouts have been gone all year.
@AlexisMarkowski I would first check to make sure they do not show in your Scoutbook Roster - that should be the only way you see new things - if so just end the SB membership
This is where I get confused on the interplay between legacy SB and SB Plus and my.scouting. Both scouts are in my SB and SB+ roster but only one is in my.scouting. They’ve all just been sitting in an “inactive” den all year because I wasn’t sure how to remove them and didn’t want to risk messing up their registration with their new units…
my.scouting is the real roster - if scout is not their the scout is not registered
Please do not mark those items as “awarded”, which will mess things up for their current unit.
You should be able to end their memberships in Scoutbook (legacy). Then I would recommend that you “clean old connections”.
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