Welcome! This forum has a treasure trove of great info – Scouters helping Scouters! Just a heads up, though - all content, information, and opinions shared on this forum are those of the author, not the BSA.
An issue that prevented editing the address on a member’s profile has been fixed.
Calendar Images
An issue that prevented some images attached to calendar events from displaying has been fixed.
Quick Entry
Quick Entry is modified to fix an issue with overwriting completed adventures:
If the Adventure is approved, the Scout will not be selectable.
If the Adventure is completed but not approved, a warning will state final completion status will be removed. Note if the updated requirement completes the adventure, and updated final completion date will be recorded.
New Features
Comments with Quick Entry
Users can now use Quick Entry to add comments without including a completion date. For example, if an adventure or requirement will take multiple meetings to complete, progress after the first meeting can be described in a comment.
Den Names
The Den Name format in pop-up windows will now match the format displayed on the roster
Pop-Up Messages
All Pop-Up messages will now contain an X to indicate the pop-up can be closed by clicking on it.
Unit Rosters are now viewable by leaders with Unit Scouter Reserve and Unit College Scouter Reserve registered positions.
Removed Features
Advancement Report/Purchase Order
The Advancement Report and Purchase Order has been removed from Scoutbook Plus. Use Legacy Scoutbook for these reports. These reports will return to Scoutbook Plus when Legacy Scoutbook is fully retired.