Yet every scout deserves a trained leader. I get that they have bigger issues with the bankruptcy, but it is the compounding of little issues like training not working that has gotten the organization into that bigger mess. National expects us VOLUNTEERS to pay to be here and sacrifice time and we do it for the service of youth. At some point the road blocks created by small issues make it an untenable situation.
Please do not talk to SUAC on this - talk to your commissioners and Council Scout Executives.
I wasn’t talking to SUAC I was replying to @edavignon. Is that allowed?
I kinda understood @DonovanMcNeil’s comment to mean “SUAC has already fought this battle unsuccessfully, but maybe enough pushback via the professional staff at the council level might get national off top dead center.” Of course, that’s my reading on the matter, so take it with at least a grain of salt.
I guess I read it differently because it was a direct reply to my comment. If so I apologize for the misunderstanding.
@JohnGeiser by no means was it pointed - it was just in line - giving advice on where comments might lead to something. SUAC knows little about the training portal, that is more commissioners.
May I suggest everyone concerned contact:
-their NST training contact
-ScoutingU Chair
-Learning Delivery subcommittee chair
Contacts are in the newsletter.
Be Kind, like a the Scouts we are, but they need to know what is up.
You only need the unperson training and YPT.
That is incorrect. Hazardous weather is also required and is only available online.
Also for Cubs to camp, one needs BALOO. BALOO requires a first portion to be completed online.
To address the “browser” argument and just kill it. Every entity that produces a website produces it for the least common denominator to save money; edge cases are rarely worth the effort of enhancing a website to become compatible with a fringe browser. Per W3Schools (basically the best tracker of these analytics). roughly 80% of the world uses a Chrome (Chromium based) browser (Chrome, Chromium, Brave, Newer Edge, etc … ) Browser Statistics
I don’t know if it kills it. 100% of iPhones and iPads use Safari. Many young families only have iPads.
And W3Schools only counts browsers that visit its websites. I suspect most people visiting W3Schools are using a computer, not a mobile device, throwing off the numbers for Safari based browsers.
Yep, if you look at other sites that include mobile web browsers in the stats, it’s not so lopsided. @Matt.Johnson makes a very good point that many people are now mobile only (phone and or tablet) and don’t rely on laptops or desktops.
So these stats show Safari has maybe 1/3rd of the market. That might merit some development time for that browser but probably only for specific entities like Amazon or other online venues that generate revenue off of you; BSA is not generating revenue.
I disagree. Training is critical to the mission of the BSA. By developing training for Chromium and Safari you would cover about 75% of the browser usage. Considering iOS devices can’t run Chromium based browsers, supporting Safari becomes more important.
Except for the fact that Chromium based products are free and instantly installable for every single user of every operating system. Why should BSA spend literally 100’s of thousands of dollars developing for multiple browsers when every user can get a compatible browser instantly for free?
Chromium based products are NOT installable on iOS devices. Chrome on iOS uses Webkit, not Chromium.
For those that do not know, Chromium (made by Google) is the opensource base for Google Chrome that has none of the tracking or analytics based stuff in it.
Let me help all of you Apple product users by googling the download page for IoS based products.
Chrome on iOS is still closer to Safari because, like all web browsers on iOS, it uses WebKit while Chrome on Windows, MacOS and Android uses Chromium.