Userid(s) does not belong to given calendarEventid- error message

I continue to see this error every time I Copy a calendar event from last year to repeat it (with new date and invitees for the upcoming year). This bug was posted back in February in this forum with 107 views and no comments before the thread was closed. Clearly the problem still exists.


Userid(s) does not belong to given calendarEventid- userId(s) error message - Scoutbook / New Calendar Bugs - Scouting Forums

First guess would be that there are invitees from last year that are no longer in the unit

@WilliamCunnane are you clicking this Duplicate?

Screenshot 2024-08-13 at 10.41.48 AM

@DonovanMcNeil Before I save the event I edit the invitee list to make sure that only current members are on the list. I also removed the attendance (did that in my troubleshooting but it didn’t stop the error from still being thrown).

I can setup a quick screen share to see it if you want

or post the UserID#s to see if they have any clues

I just did another one and this time I removed all invitees before adding invitees as a troubleshooting step. The error was still thrown -


@WilliamCunnane what is your unit so I do not have to look it up?

Troop 829 (Baltimore Area Council)

ok that is good data - is BA - 2nd class scout an invitee?

very annoying as I cannot get it to fail

for all the other events yes (they were an active scout last year and they are still an active scout on my roster). For the event I just created that threw that error the answer is no as it was an Order of the Arrow event (so they weren’t on the invitee list last year and they aren’t on the invitee list this year for that event).

@WilliamCunnane can we do a screenshare so I can see it?

For whatever reason, I’m not getting the error now (I’ve created two more copies of events for the upcoming year). Did you do something on the backend?

no we did not have enough info to even figure it out

I’m creating more events today and my 2nd copy today I got the error on 1182386. That scout (like the one yesterday) was in the troop last year and is in the troop this year.

One thing to note for troubleshooting - The first event I copied today was a series (which did not throw an error, but also did not include that scout). This event was a single event.

try an incognito window - maybe a plugin

using an incognito window, the error happened again, this time with that scout’s mother (who is also a leader and was with us last year and is still active on the roster.

as I said several times yesterday - I can setup a screenshare to take a look

Ok. I’ve got my screens staged. Send me the details.