Achievements "leader approved" by parent who is not a leader

We have a new Wolf scout (BSA# 137397684) this year whose mom has been entering his achievements in Scoutbook. I noticed that several ones that she entered are marked both “completed” and “leader approved” by mom. However, mom is not a registered leader. How is she able to approve these achievements? Also, she has marked something as completed that does not count for the requirement, is there any way to delete something she has marked as complete?

Parents in Cub Scouts have the right to declare things completed (as opposed to Scouts BSA and other other programs where they do not). But they should not be able to leader approve

Guide to Advancement Who Approves Cub Scout Advancement?
A key responsibility for den leaders is to implement the den meeting plans as outlined in Scoutbook’s Den Leader Experience. For Lion through Bear ranks, if activities take place outside the den meeting, a parent, guardian, or another trusted adult may verify that Cub Scouts have done their best to meet the requirements completed at the activity. The den leader then records the requirements.


Granting Roles and Permissions in Scoutbook (SB)

They (parents) are able to mark his advancement as “Completed” which is represented by a green checkbox. They cannot mark advancements as approved unless they are also in Scoutbook as a leader or on the unit committee.

This is a Covid modification that BSA implemented that has not ended

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I thought that was limited to AoL/Webelos

Q: May parents sign off on Webelos and Arrow of Light requirements?

Yes. During this pandemic period, parents and other adults in the Cub Scout’s family may sign off on Webelos and Arrow of Light requirements. We strongly encourage that parents use the Scouting App or Scoutbook to record completion of their child’s requirements. We will continue to monitor the situation and communicate when this temporary measure expires and there is a return to the standard rules for Cub Scout advancement.

It is across Cubs - that statement is just a clarification for Webelos where the only AKELA is the Den Leader and not the Parent

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Thanks for the replies. Do we know if this is going to change back to leader approvals only at some point? Also, is there a way to delete or reverse something that is marked as completed?

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@CourtneyHall this

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