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I was trying to update the schools listed in Scoutbook+ for my Scouts and found that it would not accept his school because it is not in the dropdown list. This is what I get:
As @DonovanMcNeil noted in his post in this thread, adding schools not already in the list is in the backlog. It’s not clear whether the developers will allow free-form entry, will have a method to submit “missing” schools, or something else entirely. Nor is it clear when or if the BSA will schedule the issue for development.
Frankly, I can think of no logical reason the SB+ developers spent their time trying to load the name of every public and private school in the US plus our overseas Councils into SB+.
Yeah, I tend to agree with this, @CharlesOlson, but obviously someone thought it was a useful task (or already had some sort of obviously incomplete database listing available). I suspect – but don’t know – that there was an interest expressed in being able to identify “How many students at school X in district Y are actually in scouts?” as a form of data mining for membership/marketing purposes.
I kinda hope that eventually the system either permits free-form manual entry and offers apparently-matching existing entries as an auto-complete option, or just allows manual entry with no worry about matching things.
@DonovanMcNeil, I love statistics and I can understand that knowing where Scouts go to school might be a useful tool for Scouting’s marketing types. However, in terms of the cost of creating and maintaining an accurate national database of every public and private primary and secondary school, it seems like a waste of time and resources. My Council’s professional staff struggles to keep up with the number of new public schools that are opened each year in our 13, relatively compact, county area.