Adult Leader incorrectly listed as Parent to a Scout

Somehow someone who is both an adult leader and a merit badge counselor in our troop became listed as a parent of a scout in the troop that isn’t his. My bet it was inadvertently done when they added him as a merit badge counselor for the scout. It doesn’t look like it will let me change it.

The scout is:
SB User ID:
BSA Member ID:

The adult is:
SB User ID:
BSA Member ID:

They are not related, although we are now congratulating him on his new adoption :wink:
Thanks for any help.

@JamesSoltysiak the user themself can correct it by going to My Connections > Scout > uncheck parent box - or your council can fix it using the VST Tool

Which user, the scout, the scout’s parent, or the adult leader?

that fake parent can do it

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