I have probably earned the right to most of the training “awards” having done most unit level positions (except SM) in both Cubs/Scouts BSA and even many district ones. However, except for one (Den Leader), I never bothered to apply for them because they’re a hassle. Why should you even have to apply for an award to recognize the training you’ve taken, shouldn’t it just be automatic (or, why even have them at all)? I have better things to do to focus on the youth, etc.
I like the idea of tracking the completed training and recognition in my.scouting. Having the ability to view that tracking by others in the district or unit would also be helpful.
I wanted to share the idea of tracking progress towards training completion within a unit or district committee. When I was in key positions in the unit or district I used an annual review process where I tracked the progress of my adult volunteers towards their next obvious training award. In doing this I’d identify the activities they needed to perform and I’d encourage them to work on those in the coming year. Or I can note those that they did complete based on activities the unit had conducted during the year. Upon my observation of successful completion the unit could nominate and recognize these volunteers for their service, something that not every adult wants to do or thinks about. As leaders we can nurture that progress and success we want to see to help the program. For large units the actions can be a committee position, such as adult training. Its works just as well for district committees.
It seems like the default permissions are wrong. I’m just an assistant roundtable commissioner.
@JohnRennpferd If you have the permissions, there is a Training Manager report called “Specific Training Course Report” that allows you to select one or more courses and see who has completed the course(s). Units can use it to check on Hazardous Weather, IOLS, BALOO, etc. I would think that the report is also available at the district / council level, although I do not know who has permissions to it at those levels.
@JohnRennpferd if I recall, access to the training report is given to District and Council Key 3, Unit Key 3 for unit and ones that are designated as Training chair functional role at the respective organizational unit (unit, district, council) in My.Scouting. Since there isn’t currently a way to signify the entire training committee in My.Scouting, only indicate the chair, only the chair has access. Hope this helps.
I have it as an assistant roundtable commissioner.
Thank you everyone. I am looking and I do not have it at the unit level or district (though if it is restricted to the chair I wouldn’t at the district level, I’m only adhoc at the council level for specific things). I will reach out to my COR to see why I don’t have it at the unit level since I am the trainer. I will have to talk with my district chair again and ask him if he has the report (he has previously said he does not have access to any reports that do this).
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