Advancement Approval

Need to make it possible to approve/signoff multiple requirements at one time instead of going back and forth.

@CurtisRashell - i dont follow what are talking about. There is already a needs approval section which allows you to approval multiple items at one time.

Are you talking about the Quick Entry feature?

I have the same problem. When a Scout completes multiple rank requirements in Scoutbook, she can do them all at one time. For me to approve them, I am restricted to checking each one off and waiting for it to save. It’s tedious to do this with several Scouts.

And you can’t use the Needs Approval report to approve requirements in bulk?

@JonMcCoid Does the Needs Approval Report not work for you?

That sounds like exactly what I need. Where do I find it?

Should be in Scoutbook under Troop/Pack/Crew reports.

I think you can also pull them from Patrol/Den reports as well.

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You guys rock! That solved my problem. Thank you for the speedy response too.


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