Advancement Requirement Error

I’ve read a few threads with this same issues. I’m attempting to update a wolf scouts Footsteps adventure. He’s the only scout in the den this is happening to. Under quick entry I tried marking all the requirements complete at once and it gave me the error message, (There was an error updating one or more requirements, try again later.) So I tried to mark each requirement off one at a time to see if there was one that was causing the issue, and even one at a time they result in the same error message.
I then went to his profile in the roster to try and mark the adventure off from there, and when I tried to mark the requirements complete one at a time on that page it gave me a different error code:
HTTP POST on resource ‘’ failed with status code 409.
So I searched the forum and found a few temporary fixes, shift refresh, deleting all the cookies, adding a comment, theres no previous version of his rank or the adventure to try. None have made a difference. We completed Germs Alive at the last meeting and I just entered that for the whole den with no issues, so it seems to be just this one adventure for this one scout. In one final effort I tried to mark the adventure off by only clicking the final completion date and approved under his profile and that results in this error message:
(There are user adventure requirements for given userId and versionId - userId: 13891075 - versionId: 319)
I don’t believe there are any other work arounds that I can try on my end and I was hoping that someone might have some new options.
The scouts member ID is 141163190 and the adventure is Footsteps. I have also attached screen shots of the different scenarios and where I was when they happened.

@JamesDrysdale yeah seems odd - it KIND OF LOOKS in data like the Scout has the adventure - BUT it also says they do not - what does the profile look like?

Here is 2 more screen shots of his main profile page that shows he’s only 87% when he should be 100% with Footsteps completed, and his advancement page that shows Footsteps isn’t started. Thank you for such a quick response!

Donovan has reported this to the developers.

perfect, thank you very much!