Unable to Mark Complete/Approve Adventure

Trying to document adventure completion for one of my cub scouts in my den.
The adventure is the Let’s Go Camping (2024 version).
Any time I try I get the following popup:

“HTTP POST on resource ‘https://coreapipd.netbsa.org:443/api/advancements/users/11696581/adventures’ failed with status code 409.”

I have triple checked and this cubscout does not have this bet loop already and there is nothing documented for this adventure anywhere else…

This problem is only for this one cub scout, and it is only for this one adventure.


Check the version of the Scout’s bear rank. It needs to be 2024.

Checked and the Bear Rank is 2024 and the adventure is 2024


Try switching the adventure to the previous version (if there is one), go out of the page, then go back and switch it to 2024.

unfortunately there is only a 2024 version :frowning:

@PaulJones9 - how about flipping the rank version

Did that, and got excited because there were a lot of things that said started on the old version. (maybe we were getting to the bottom of it). but unfortunately switching back did not resolve the issue. I went and checked the adventures that said “started” as the status, but non of them had anything checked off.

I’m seeing a similar error when trying to mark completed for a single requirement on a scout. This is a 400 error instead of 409 but same effect:

Screenshot 2024-12-10 at 3.47.03 PM

I am able to mark the entire adveture as completed but not a single requirement.

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I’m seeing the exact same behavior. I can mark the entire adventure complete but not individual requirements. I can only do this at the individual level, not using quick entry.

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I am facing the same error message with the same issues. It says that there will be brief maintenance on the site tomorrow 12/12/24. Hopefully that takes care of the problem.

The developers are aware of the issue and are working on a fix. Watch Scoutbook - Scoutbook Plus Change Log - Scouting Forums for an announcement.

The maintenance advisory is for legacy Scoutbook, this is a Scoutbook Plus issue.

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