Posting Advancements Error

There are multiple members of my pack experiencing issues entering advancement into scoutbook plus. My den leaders have been trying for a few weeks and have had issues and I tried today and am seeing the same thing which I copied below. This occurs when trying to mark adventure loop requirements as complete.

“Error HTTP POST on resource ‘ requirements’ failed: bad request (400)”

When I first tried to enter the advancement it showed a popup to refresh to the latest version of scoutbook plus which I did. Not sure if that had any issue.


I am getting this same error
HTTP POST on resource
requirements’ failed: bad request (400 )

It only applies to one scouts in a 4 scout den.
All versions are the same.

These are known issues being investigated - watch the change log for a fix announcement when it is released

Developers think this is fixed - can you please test for these 400 errors

@TierraJones @CarlSchiller Could you all try again, please?

Please do a hard page reload in Scoutbook Plus, first. Then try again.

You can do a hard page reload by clicking on Ctrl+F5 or Shift+reload arrow in your browser

I was able to enter advancements tonight after having issues for the past few days!

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The 12/17 update fixed the issue I reported here: ATTENTION: Error Updating Cub Scout Adventures - #7 by GarrettGreen

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