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The Latest post on Scoutingmagazine.org gave indication that the new calendar was able to automatically be able to add/delete people to events when they Join or depart a unit.
I am not seeing this behavior operate this way.
Will this feature be happening soon? I spent about an hour the other day going thru events that needed to have new members added/old members removed.
You can use the Scoutbook Feature Assistant Extension for Chrome and Firefox to quickly add new members to multiple events until the feature to add them automatically is finished.
The link to add new invitees to events is on the My Dashboard page. Click on Events to see “Add New Invitees to Events”
Search the Chrome or Firefox extension stores for Scoutbook.
The point of my post is that National (blog.scoutingmagazine.org) has publicised that this feature is there, but as far as i can tell it doesnt work yet.
1 Added and 3 ended about a month ago. I just had an add a couple of weeks ago & need to add them to events. I have 2 that will be ending in the next couple of weeks.
@JasonKracht The developers report that they see the automated process added those scouts to many events in the database. Do you have an event ID that you had to add them manually to?
I dont have which events that i added them to since i think it was most of the events for our unit. Do we know how long between when a scout is added to a roster & when the script runs? Perhaps the sceipt ran after i manually added them.