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Noticed that once a calendar entry set, if new scouts/parents are added to the unit (cub scout pack) they are not automatically added to all the events as “invited.” Is there a way to automatically add new pack members to all of the events already scheduled?
Note you still must manually add the new Scouts & Leaders to the calendar events. The Feature Assistant Extension just allows you to add them to multiple events at one time.
Having just (at this moment) gone through adding new Scouts to 70ish events from now through the end of the calendar year (using Feature Asst) + (using IA2) to create duplicate (from Scoutbook - the 3rd platform) ‘activities’ for summer camp, service at summer camp, hiking at summer camp to match the event in Scout book, I implore BSA IT staff to finish more automated tools.
I think we worked through part (most?) of a user story for this quite some time ago on the boards. Possibly even before the discourse conversion? In any case, I remember the collection of us trying to define the use case having trouble arriving at a single unified functionality. One issue is determining what events “all new scouts” are automatically added to. Unit-level meetings likely OK. All campouts? How do you determine who needs adding to PLC meetings? What about stuff listed under “Other”? I remember us (collectively) kinda batting stuff around. I just don’t recall if we came up with something workable beyond invitations to unit-wide events like unit meetings. Automatically adding folks to camps could be an issue (e.g. things like high-adventure treks) since there may be prequalifications needed to actually participate (e.g. age for HA bases).
The activity logs are a separate issue from calendar invites, though. Sorting out who actually attended is likely beyond the capabilities of the software. I agree that having some connection between the calendar and the logs would be useful, even if just to add things to the logs. That said, considering the uneditable calendar entries that appear to have been showing up for some folks (apparently based on events entered in the logs), it sounds like the linkage is not quite ready for prime time. :^)