Auto-Populate Awards

I don’t think the Hours/Miles/Nights should ever auto feed. If they do then manually completing it has to be disabled. If the system applies 1 Hour to Tenderfoot, then for second class they (or unit leader) sees 2 total hours for second class and manually mark it off. Too complex to program.


To start, one would need to add means of tracking two (or more) fields to each record to track which requirements are being met. (One to say it does, and one for leader approval). Of course then you would need to lock the hours/nights once the leader approves.

Now you would be in a position to add in the code to pull that information in. I disagree with @DonovanMcNeil about any need to disable manual completion. But, you are left with a problem that changes the nature of advancement.

Up until a requirement is marked as completed, the SM has ultimate authority over which hours count. Now what happens when the scout changes unit part way through? Do we remove approvals? Do we modify the SM authority? This is not something to leave to the programming department. It is a consideration with reaching consequences.

A major difference between TM and SB is who owns the record. With TM, the record belongs to the unit. I have never heard of a troop not forwarding the information, but the record still belongs to the unit. SB has made a different decision that the record belongs to the scout. Which leaves units with record holes they need to address.

As a prime example, consider Quality Unit award. One marker for Scouts BSA is percentage advancing. But if a scout changes units, the record of their advancement is no longer reachable by the old unit. Same thing happens with National Outdoor Challenge. You can’t count on those records for tracking your percentage attendance.

Given the nature of the record ownership, this isn’t likely to happen. You can pull their logs and look (if they kept them there). I suspect no log entries have been made for any of my scouts past their Cub membership days. Not sure how many have records from then either.

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