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This discussion topic for identify individual BSA membership registration periods to help those involved in membership audits.
Related my.Scouting Tools are:
a. Member Manager
b. Organization Security Manager
Functional roles assigned in the Organization Security Manager are not registered positions and they expire automatically at the end of the calendar year (December 31st).
c. Online Registration system
d. Internet Rechartering system
The expiration of individual registration terms is as follows:
a. National, regional, and area Scouters. At the end of the period for which they have been duly elected or appointed, unless registered in some other capacity.
b. Council and district Scouters and those registered in the Scouter Reserve. At the expiration of the council year for which they are issued, unless registered in some other capacity.
c. Unit Scouters serving in unit capacities only (including chartered organization representatives or group of citizens). At the expiration of the unit charter.
d. Members. At the expiration of the registration of their respective units.
e. Lone Cub Scouts and Lone Cub Scout friends and counselors. One year from the date of their last registration.
f. Lone Scouts and Lone Scout friends and counselors. One year from the date of their last registration.
g. Registered retired professional Scouters. One year from the date of their last registration.
Youth registered in Scouting units should participate on an ongoing basis and not for a onetime event or activity.
All BSA applicants should be registered immediately after their applications and fees are received by the council.
Unit charters may not be held and remain unposted by a council for the purpose of withholding dropped membership or delaying payment to the National Council.
Membership Term
Cub Scouting, p. 9; Scouts BSA, p. 10; Venturing, p. 11; Sea Scouting, p. 12: “Minimum six months, maximum 18 months”
Lone Scout and Lone Scout Counselor, p. 26: “A Lone Scout and Lone Scout Counselor may register for a term of one (1) to 12 months, and registration expiration may be at any time. For management purposes, it is recommended that registration for all Lone Scouts and Lone Scout counselors in your council expire in the same month.”
Exploring, p. 83: “Registering Posts and/or Clubs. Exploring posts/clubs may register for between six to 18 months, and the expiration date is determined by the council.”
Non-unit Registrants, p. 24
The local council sets the registration period for each group of non-unit registrants, and their registration must be renewed annually. A renewal roster can be produced each year for the purpose of reregistering council and district Scouters.
In my district we have very few Nova Counselors and Supernova Mentors compared to Merit Badge Counselors registered. This year (2019) the Supernova Mentors memberships were not renewed because they were lost in the MBC renewal process. I am thinking about recommending that the Nova Awards program leaders registration period be changed to match the council charter year (instead of the MBC period) so they are not lost. I would like to get some feedback on when other councils renew their Nova Award leaders’ memberships.
In my council, all districts and the council recharter on June 1. All MBCs, Nova Mentors, district committee, council committee, etc. recharter at the same time.