Bugling Merit Badge Requirement 3 has typo

To whom can fix:

Require 3 of the Bugling merit badge on scoutbook is written incorrectly. Please see the official source for correct wording:

Scoutbook: Sound the following bugle calls: “First Call,” “Reveille,” “Assembly,” “Mess,” “Drill,” “Fatigue,” “Officers,” “Recall,” “Church,” “Swimming,” “Fire,” “Retreat,” “To the Colors,” “Call to Quarters,” and “Taps.”

Should be (change in bold): Sound 10 of the following bugle calls: “First Call,” “Reveille,” “Assembly,” “Mess,” “Drill,” “Fatigue,” “Officers,” “Recall,” “Church,” “Swimming,” “Fire,” “Retreat,” “To the Colors,” “Call to Quarters,” and “Taps.”

Can you please make this correction? Thanks!

@MichaelJarvis1 you are on an older version of the badge - the 2020 version is correct - you can remove the badge and start it over to get to the 2020 version

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So, what is the current # of calls needed to complete the merit badge. My daughter is starting this next month

10 @MariaToro it is a pretty hard MB

Sound 10 of the following bugle calls: “First Call,” “Reveille,” “Assembly,” “Mess,” “Drill,” “Fatigue,” “Officers,” “Recall,” “Church,” “Swimming,” “Fire,” “Retreat,” “To the Colors,” “Call to Quarters,” and “Taps.”

see: Merit Badges | Boy Scouts of America

The music is here:

I only have permission to view the scout’s profile and approve their bugle merit badge requirements. Thanks for letting me know though!

Have an admin of the troop switch it.

The usscouts website is not secure. As of March 1, 2022, it stating it was listing the 2013 requirements.

Here is what I have I have found, so far (I am continuing to search).

2022-02-18-C, revised 2022-03-03

For more information see:



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