Calendar Import with CSV file not working

Here it is as an excel file: TestFile.xlsx (15.8 KB)

I need to see it as a csv to make sure the formatting is correct.

I updated the forums so you can upload a csv file.

Super thanks - here’s the CSV file: TestFile.csv (234 Bytes)

Gary, Can you look at my CSV file too? This is the error I am getting. Can’t figure out what is wrong.

Message: The file you selected has the following errors. Aborting import. Column names are missing or not in the right location Reminders<>Reminders
Troop 10 B2020 Scoutbook Calendar for import into Scoutbook.csv (18.7 KB)

Gerald and Lisa,

Thanks for sending the files, Gerald, sorry I didn’t realize you couldn’t attach the csv in the forum!

The files you sent enabled me to find issues in the extension itself. I have a fix and will be releasing it soon.

Sorry for the trouble.

I just released V0.43.0.10. This version should fix the event import issues.

Gary - I appreciate all your help - unfortunately the “TestFile.csv” file that I posted is still not uploading.



Gerald, The update process sometimes takes time. Click on the icon image then click on Go To Help Documents and make sure its image

It’s working now - thank you very much.

Got it done last night. Thanks for all the help.

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