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I am unable to export calendar events, I get the message “No events in selected range” but there are several in that time range and listed in the “Events” section in ScoutBook.
Also, I can’t import files. I get the error: “Unrecognized calendar in CSV file Calendar Column” I’ve tried using both Pack number and Den names, but no luck.
I was trying to export so I could double check the name but that wasn’t working.
When exporting, you need to make sure calendars are selected in SB+ in the calendar section. The export will export visible events there. That will also give you the proper name.
Thanks! With that change, I was able to export. Now when doing a test import, I am getting an error: Halted with error in setDLEReminder, IA access issue
Good. The error message isn’t good - its just a location in my code. It actually occurs if either IA isn’t responding (not logged in) or if there is an issue handling the invitee lists.