Continuing the discussion from Calendar Bug:
Is there some additional information you want to add? It sounds like the issue there was fixed by forcing a reload of the page. Is that not working for you? What are the specific issues you’re seeing?
Every time i try to edit an existing calendar post and save, an error message shows at the top and says “start date should be greater than or equal to today”. THis has been happening for over a week now, how to i fix this?
how do you do a page reload. I have been logging out an back in and keep getting the same message
@JenniferOlinger’s post in the previous thread described it here:
The method may vary a bit from browser to browser. Googling around gave this page, for example, talking about different ways:
is there a phone number to call for the scoutbook admin folks. I am not tech savy.
Ah. This is a somewhat different error than was described in the thread you linked to.
It sounds like you might be getting caught by the bug that was reported here:
The best bet to find out when the fix is released will be to subscribe to the change logs as described here:
Nope. National discontinued direct to user support for Scoutbook/SB+ a couple of years back, so it’s either the forums here or (if your council has a SB/SB+ support person) you could try talking to them.
OK, thanks. I guess it’s time to hand over the reigns to a computer guy then. I appreciate your help.
No worries. Most units end up finding one or two folks who have good tech clue and recruit them to assist, sometimes on a “look over my shoulder while I do this” basis if not as a committee member who ends up primarily responsible for assisting with in-house Scoutbook/SB+ issues.
Since it looks like this might be part of an already reported bug, you might try again after the bug is reported as fixed in the change logs.
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