Camping length check calculation issue

The check of number of night and days for camping vs the event length is incorrect.

We camped 2 night and 3 days the event is listed from 3/8 to 3/10, but I get an error that the number of nights/days cannot exceed event length.

Is this in the Calendar or the Logs?

OK @MikeOswald I see the error and will get it reported

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I am having the exact same issue with the same date (3/8 - 3/10). I entered the event into our calendar, used RSVPs, took attendance, and edited the event to add the camping nights and it is calculating them incorrectly. Mine is also showing 2 days and 1 night and will not allow me to correct the values for our group.

The work around for this is to just enter in Activity Logs for now

Looks like this has been partially corrected. The error no longer exists, but the initial calculation of days/nights is still a day short on each side.