Can others see (and edit) future roundtable entries?

I was testing out the ability to prepopulate upcoming roundtables. So, I created entries for the next year. What if I can make it, can someone else use the same entry to record that months info?

Can the team add to the notes I made?

I’m just wondering what the flexibility we have.

This next month will likely be the start of me recording at least the new few roundtables. But, after that, I don’t know if I will always be the person.

Yes, people in the district commissioner group can see the future RT entries if they open that event.
Yes, they can edit them for attendance and for discussion topics.
Last year this is how we planned the RT. This year we chose not to as National typically put out something we were not prepared for and the “pre-put” we would have just wiped anyway. One of those good ideas but not well executed ideas.

Thanks so much for the fast answer. That is good news.

I’m not following this. I guess I was trying to find something other than a shared spreadsheet to note who was doing what. We haven’t used the national topics or videos.

@Matt.Johnson we used to put these are local topics for the Big rocks and plan National updates. as National would change something it became more ad-hoc. It works we just chose to not plan ahead more than a month or two.

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