Announcing roundtable meetings
Hi. As a district commissioner is there a way I can send reminders of upcoming roundtable meetings to all unit key 3 in the district? Thanks!
@JohnDean4 - why two posts to convey one question ?
Clicked done too fast. Any suggestions on how we can broadcast round table announcements via Scoutbook or commissioner tools?
@JohnDean4 - There are council scoutbook admins that can send out messages via scoutbook which land in the user’s inbox. But the issue with that is the folks would have to log into scoutbook to see them as I recall and not every unit uses scoutbook. As far as commissioner tools… would not know as I am not a commissioner.
Beyond that I would not attend a roundtable if they paid me or my life depended upon it. I find ZERO value in them and I do not like the I am going to pat myself on the back club that they are.
No, no feature like that in commissioner tools. Commissioners can schedule the year’s roundtables, but they just sit there waiting to have attendance recorded. There is a blank that has room for text, so you could put a note or 2 in advance or afterwards.
A feature request could be to make those entries available in the new calendar system for a unit, or individual, to subscribe to. The data is there. Not a feature yet.
@Matt.Johnson - thanks for providing that insight. Beyond that out council and district use constant contact as the means of communication.
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