Deleted Scouts from Scoutbook

I have 2 Scouts who were deleted from Scoutbook but have decided to rejoin. Their numbers are 13692033 and 13692041. They are still part of our roster in my.Scouting but their memberships in Scoutbook were ended. Can you please re-add them? Thanks!

@LouiseHonner you husband is still connected to both - he can find them and fix under My Account > My Connections - then change membership

Ok, I’ll ask the dad to change their membership to active. He does that by deleting the end date?

yes the Dad or the Cubmaster with the same last name as you

I’m the Committee Chair for the pack and I don’t know how to find them in Scoutbook as they don’t show up there anymore, I’m not their parent either.

The Cubmaster can find them and fix under My Account > My Connections - then change membership

OK, I’ll try that. But in theory, they should show up under my connections as well? Their membership with the pack was ended by putting a date in the date ended box.

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