I accidently deleted a scout when I tried to move him from one den to another. He is listed in the BSA roster, but when I tried to manually tried to add him back into Scoutbook it doesn’t recognize him. It also doesn’t let me add his parent in Scoutbook who is already associated with his brother in Scoutbook. I don’t know how to fix this.
@JenniferScribner What is the Scout’s BSA member number? (No names, please)
The BSA member number is: 13904695
@JenniferScribner It looks like you ended the Scout’s membership with the pack / den, so he dropped off your Scoutbook roster. It looks like 2 new Scoutbook accounts were created for the Scout, but I have merged them.
When changing dens for individual Scouts, I recommend going to the den page of the new den, and clicking on the “Reassign Scout(s)” button as the easiest and fastest method. However, if you are advancing dens at the end of the school year, Scoutbook has an “advance den” function that is usually better.
Thank you for the help. I had switched which dens the brother’s went in on accident and have no clue what I did because I was able to switch his brother with no issue. Thank you so much and I will make a note of how to do this properly for my next batch of kids.
I did the same for one of my Scouts this evening (8-21-2022).
His BSA number is 12515478.
Any help would be appreciated.
Anthony Brillo
Troop 752
@CarlosBrillo that is not a good BSA # for the scout - please check it
@CarlosBrillo 12515478 is the Scoutbook userID number, which is different from the BSA member number.
It looks like was a duplicate Scoutbook account for the Scout. I have merged them.
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