Accidental Scoutbook deletion

Help!! My husband-our Bear Den leader-made a serious mistake and I’m honestly not sure how he even did it. Somehow he deleted a Scout from his Den. He said he was ‘cleaning old connections’ and this Scout has since disappeared from our Scoutbook roster. He shows up on our myScouting roster but nowhere in Scoutbook. Any help and suggestions on how to add him back are greatly appreciated! Thanks.

check My Account > My Connection for the Scout @CourtneyAtkinson you might be able to find them there - otherwise post the BSA # and we can look

Thank you. The Scout’s BSA ID is 14096181.

@CourtneyAtkinson OK I setup a sync - he should be back in pack after 4pm CST today - BUT not in a Den - an admin will need to add the den membership

perfect! thank you!! have a wonderful weekend.

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