Den Advancement and Adventure Report not available

When I am logged in to Scoutbook as a den leader
and I navigate to the den for whom I am den leader
and I click on “Den Reports” → “Advancement and Adventure Report”,
I see the attached error page and not my den’s report.

@BrianCheung that is not Scoutbook - that is internet advancement. You need to log into

The “Advancement and Adventure Report” link in Scoutbook (see attached) opens a new browser tab/window to

Oh that report - I think the API call for that report just changed for user verification.

Some sort of change in OAuth or JWT or however auth is handled between the two apps?

@BrianCheung - that report runs for me. I am the CC for the pack.

Is this report restricted to pack admins only?

@BrianCheung thanks for reporting. I am in touch with developers and are reviewing. We believe Den Leaders and Assistant Cubmasters should have access to this report, so they will look to find the fix.

Thanks @ZacharyMcCarty!

@BrianCheung try again now. The developers believe this to be fixed

Confirmed fixed. Thanks all!

That’s great. You’re welcome @BrianCheung