Den Chief Problem

How do you get den chiefs to show up in Scoutbook Plus. 3 of my 4 Den Chiefs are showing up. I’m not sure how to get the 4th to show up and associated with the den.

All 4 show up and are approved in Scoutbook, but only 3 are in Scoutbook Plus.

Thanks for the help.

@DarrenFerlazzo post the BSA # of the one that is not showing - it might show us clues

His BSA ID Number is 137285559 and his SB User ID is 11840187.

Thanks for the help.

@DarrenFerlazzo not sure that scout is assigned to a pack - I think he just has the DC position

Is it something the Troop needs to approve on their end?

yes troop does it for now

I see that it says he is Supporting Pack (our pack number), Wolf Den 5 in Scoutbook.

I will reach out to the Troop and confirmed if they have assigned him on their end to my unit.


The scout has the position. The troop just needs to approve it by checking the position approved box.

Thank you very much for the help.

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