I am a pack committee chair. I have seven scouts that show up as den chiefs in the old scoutbook system. When I view scoutbook plus, only two show up in the roster. Where can I find the other five?
@AdamBull - have gone to the other pages or chosen your filter and sort options
@AdamBull more info is needed - are you a Pack or older unit?
I am the pack committee chair. I have verified that I have “Den Chiefs” selected in the filter option for the roster page. Below is a screen shot of the two systems.
@AdamBull I can set up a screen share to understand it better if you want
A Den Chief feature that slipped into SB+ from the test server was pulled back that might have messed things up. Probably best to re-establish the positions for the scouts that are missing. @AdamBull
Thanks for the replies Donovan. I have re-established their den assignments. Is there a sync time or do both system run off of the same database?
Well it is all one database - cannot totally recall how it worked in SB
There isn’t a sync time, but you might need to refresh your browser cache (CTRL+F5).
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