I have two accounts listed in ScoutBook: 137348368 and 137245488. I have marked 137245488 primary in my.scouting.org and that’s the one I’d like to keep, but is there anyway to remove or merge the other one, 137348368? Thanks!
@DerekQuam 137348368 is the number that is associated with your Committee Member registration, so that is the one that should be set as “primary” at my.scouting.
I will work on merging your Scoutbook accounts.
@DerekQuam I have merged your Scoutbook accounts.
There are a couple different e-mails for you in the BSA’s systems. I recommend logging in to your account at my.scouting and making sure that the e-mail there is the one that you want.
Also, I recommend contacting your local council and ask them to use the Registrar Tools to look up your children and check their “Relationships” section. You should be listed as parent under BSA member ID number 137348368. They should remove the parent relationship with the other BSA member ID number.
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