Eagle Scout Aproved and Award request

One of the unit that I’m in charge as a Commissioner, presented a issue with respect an entry on scoutbook regarding one of the resent eagle scouts. The advancement chair informe that the issue was presented to the local concil and the had to make a ticket to fix the issue ( HD-544891).
The advancement chair enter the date of the board of review before the date of the scoutmaster conference. They informed that they were fix but they can’t award the eagle rank to the scout.

Please let me know.

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If the unit themself would get on we may be able to help - would be too hard through a third person

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What are the steps.that the unit need to do to fix this issue

@OmarLopez1 without us clearly understanding the status it is hard to say

Have they tried removing the date?

@jacobfetzer with Eagle that is where it gets complex and why we need more data

I know. Just getting the conversation started.

The Advancement chair enter the board of review with a date before the scoutmaster conference, then awarded the rank. They realized the date are incorrect and erars thebdate from scoutbook plus and when they entered the correct dates on thebrequieremnt 6 & 7, the system presented an error. They call the council and the change the dates again but know in scoutbook plus the eagle scout rank doesn’t appeard awarded to the scout.
The scout id is 129232118

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I would preface with Scouts BSA advancement isn’t fully supported in SB+ (advancements.scouting) yet. I generally recommend that scouts and scouters stick with “legacy” Scoutbook for most troop tasks that haven’t been fully ported over.

That said, there is a lag between when the Eagle BoR is conducted and when the national system marks the rank “Approved”. Units can not mark the Eagle Scout rank “Approved”.

“Awarded” is a specific state that reflects that the unit has actually presented the item to the scout. It’s easiest to flag this in Scoutbook (once it is fully approved and toggles to Awarded), but I think it can also be done in SB+.

The UAC Could not have marked Awarded unless it was approved by council - and if approved by council the rank would have been locked.

I would look at scoutbook for this not Advancements.scouting

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Eagle has already been approved. Don’t worry about the bad dates since BSA National has already signed off on Eagle, it is no longer an issue.

As Donovan said, because Eagle is approved, all of the dates are locked and cannot be changed.

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I have a question and forgive my ignorance. This situation will affect the registration of the eagle palms for this scouter?

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What is the date of the Eagle Scout board of review?


No, palms will work fine.

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The board of review was on 01/20/2024

@OmarLopez1 Is the council Registrar able to mark the Eagle Scout rank as “Approved” for this Scout?

Right now, it looks like it is Completed, but not Approved in Scoutbook, and that is why it cannot be marked as Awarded.

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